Hello Lovers, I’m Sarah!

Getting to Beauty [really] hurts.

I am Sarah Louise Brown! I am Alive!

Brilliant. British. Brown. Beauty. Writer. Storyteller. Living in sun beaming Abu Dhabi, my home. Creator and founder of L.o.A.T.O (Lovers of All Things Original), my awesome skincare line.

Heading into COVID-19, I was informed by my employer that I no longer have a job. So I have embarked on a T.R.I.P of Transition, Reset, Intellectual and Personal; leveling up, intellectually investing in myself. I have enjoyed it much. Even though stretching. I’ve loved the isolation.

I have somehow managed to wake up daily with a smile on my face and peace in my heart knowing that I have the opportunity to create a new life for myself and that means stepping out amidst the shaking. You know what I’m talking about: the displaced vulnerability in your heart that questions your identity. I laugh because it is unattractive to some, yes I have battled with the thought hindering states of mind. All this…to be shifted into newness, the greater coming season. Gosh what a test! I went out in a limb and decided to start writing my human experiences. Here I am.

If you find that these words are too real for you, then thank you for reading thus far, I don’t wish to keep you. This really is a blog for all of us. If you do decide that you want to follow my progress, it would be great to see you! Stop by leave a healthy comment.

You are Worthy and Loved.

In your heart,

Sarah xoxo